Monday, March 17, 2008

Continuing day 1

by about 12:00 am we had reached the top of kakepuku. Or at least what we thought was the top. No one could really figure out where to go on the way up, we just kept walking straight ahead for what seemed like 2 hours until we couldn't walk any further. we had been here now for a good 30 minutes and had had a drink and settled into what we made out to be our own rooms. the girls decided to use their past time by drawing a line down the dirt and dividing the area we were on into two. so I settled into my part of the little tree and made a nest and drifted off into my own world. while I was enjoying myself sleeping I heard a voice faintly saying, "lunch time, lunch time".
I managed to open my eyes and awoke to Mr Woody parading into my room with his hands around his mouth shouting demands at people. I stood up, rubbed my numb hands on my face and slouched across the dirt to follow Mr Woody to where we had set up 'camp' which in my opinion was a crunchy black tarpolin mat, with some crusty old sandwiches for Mr Woody sitting on top. I brang out my purple school bag with the words 'attitude' neatly sewn on and it, pulled out my hokey pokey lunchbox which was an old ice cream container that used to contain ice cream, in fact, it still had some ice melting on the sides from last night , sat down next to marissa, maria and hillary. my three bestest buddies. While everyone was trying to eat their lunch in peace Mr Woody was blabbing on about some birds called kakapos and kokakos and some trees that nobody really cares about I mean, how lame can he get? a smal drip fell down from the clouded sky and touched the end of my nose. It was drizzling. I reached into my bag and pulled out my plastic raincoat which could fold into a sleeping bag and a mat for sitting on. I loved heaps, It always came in handy one way or another. As I pulled it out my clear avanti drink bottle fell out of my bag and onto my lap. I pulled on my raincoat and took a long, slow drink gulping down as much as I could. Suddenly, I had an urge to go toilet. I decided I would just sneak off to the toilet, creep back and carry on eating without no one noticing. So I creeped off. I was just about to crouch down behind the biggest tree I could find when I heard a strange whispering noise coming from the bushes behind me. I decided to see what it was, I liked a cool adventure once in a while even though I was %100 sure that it was probably my imagination. I started to walk towards where i had heard the noise but I seemed to be walking for an awful while. I started to get nervous. Every step I took my heart started beating faster and faster. I was sweating, getting cold and decided to stop. A brown patch of dirt started appearing in front of me and no sooner had I reached it, I collapsed. I guess I had fainted, I dont know for how long but obviously not that long. I sat up, my fragile body quivering as I glanced around me, staring at my surroundings. then , a flash of darkness struck the corner of my tear filled eye. I turned around, and there I was, sitting right at an entrance, sitting eye to eye in front of a long, mysterious and creepy tunnel. What had I dont to deserve all this, all this torture? I brushed my teeth everyday, always ate my green vegies, and always said please and thankyou. I started screaming for help. The only thing that kept me screaming was the thought "there is bound to be someone round here some where. I was screaming rapidly for a long time, but after a while, I just gave up. I lay there, on the doft brown dirt as I shut my eyes and faded away. Then, like a miracle a voice awakened me from my deep sleep saying "hello, anybody here?"hello". a voice that sounded like cecelias came floating across the air towards me and as soon as I was sure that it was cecelia, I leapt up, shot over to her and gave her a hug, a long hug. I wrapped my arms around her like she was a god, coming to rescue me from the heavens above. "cecelia started laughing her pitchy laugh and as soon as I heard that annoying thing I leapt away from her and then I was back to normal. "if you could had seen that look on your face" bellowed cecelia. "Oh yes yes whatever" I said to her imagining myself going bright pink in the face. "so what are you doing here"? she asked me. "what am I doing here"? I said in a squeaky confused voice. "what are you doing here"? "well as you know I stayed behind with that group of ANNOYING"she shouted at the top of her lungs"boys, and they ANNOYED me right up to my forehead. So I ditched them and... then I found you" she chuckled again, this time under her breath then followed by a cheeky grin spreading across her face and lastly followed by her whispering "oh, you should have seen that look on your face". "oh shut u- I was inturrupted by a shouting of voices and as they came closer I could hear them saying "1....2...3.... and ., EMILY 1...2...3... and , EMILY". "yes, hello, who is it"? I said. Claudia's head appeared first, closely followed by Zac, then Ella. "oh im so glad to see you". yelled ella, jumping with joy, her little legs managing to spring to cm off the ground. " see, I told you, I was right, boys are always right, I told you that they'd be here, hahahahahah"said Zak cheekily. once we had all celebrated and said our hello's to people and explained exactly what had happened to us we heard... A NOISE. a noise like rustling leaves. "shhhhhhhhhhhhh" said Claudia. "the beast is coming". we all closed our mouths and listened intently to the noise. "BBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOO" SHOUTED Brenda and Joelle at the same time. " Zak stood there arms folded, looking at us like we were all loonies going phsyco or something, ella jumped and screamed, claudia fell over, cecelia stared at Joelle and I was like " oh yeah I totally knew that was coming, yeh they didn't scare me one bit aha yip yip"."after Cecelia had recovered from her 'heart attack' she said " the whole towns here"!" where have you been Emily"? "I wondered off to go to the toilet and um... ended up here. ever since people have kept coming and coming"."enough chit chat" said zak trying tospund strong since he was the only boy in this group of girls. "it's getting dark, you guys should crawl down the tunnel for shelter. i'll stay here and guard outside". so we had a girls group gossip session and decided that it would be the safest idea to let zak guard outside because if anyone would get stolen it would be him. so we gradually crept down the tunnel, all tip-toeing on the tip or our feet, Claudia had brought with her her flash new dolphin light weight expensive double a battery torch so we were all set. In my hand I held my rope that I had packed in my bag just in case. In front was Claudia, then Brenda, Ella, me and lastly followed my Cecelia. We all started tp get tired and had had enough for the day so I took out of my bag a tarpolen blanket I had packed, Ella her raincoat/sleeping bag, claudia's compact blanket and bag all in one cecelia's tarpolen mat she had the exact same one as me and lastly Brenda and Joelle shared a jumbo sheepskin blanket big, pink and fluffy which I thought wasn't the best blanket for a bush, maybe the warmest, but not the best. none of felt entirely safe in that small area but no one said anything, we just wanted a good night sleep.
As soon as our heads hit the pillows we dazed off. almost like we were under a spell.........................


Kitty Milo said...

please comment on this and tell me how to and what I need to improve on. and tell me what is good. p.s- i know that the punctuation is really bad, some letters are in the wrong place and im missing some words but thats only because I wanted to get it finishe and I only had time to do it now.
thanks bye

Mushroom Shortie said...

shot oi that was good as!!!!
Yeah maybe work on ur spelling a bit but yeah that was good

MrWoody said...

woW! What engaging writing - i really enjoyed it.
You could work on paragraphing - each new idea has a new paragraph? Also be careful to use capitals for proper nouns such as people's name.

the unknown said...

it was so cool. keep up the good work!

rosiegal said...

I really liked how you encluded my name in an earlier part! great work kitty milo!

Kitty Milo said...

thanks everyone !!!!!!!