Sunday, March 16, 2008

Kakepuku Katastrophe

Day 1
"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round all day long". "we're here" bellowed Mr Woody. a mix of excited cheers, screaming and groans pierced the air inside the small crammed in bus. The bus pulled into a small, bush filled grassy area. "morning tea time" yelled Emily who was always hungry. the whole bus started chanting "sausage sizzle, sausage sizzle sausage sizzle" so of course Mr woody had to give in.
:alright" he said.
Desperate hungry students pushed and shoved their way to get out of that old, musty bus first. "ahh" a short sharp scream echoed through the valley and trees that laid on the mountain kakepuku. " what is it Emily" asked Mr woody sounding concerned of what this was all about.
"N-n-n-no barbecues" Emily finally managed to splurt out. "what are we going to cook the sausages on now? "right now that is our smallest concern" said Mr woody. :this car park is usually always jam packed with people- but where are they all now"? And- interrupted Cecelia the tall, pretty and extremely annoying blond girl. They were supposed to be here hhhhoouuuurrrsss ago"." not hours ago" said Emily trying to prove Cecelia wrong. " no she is right, they were supposed to be here long before us already setting up camp" said Mr Woody. Everyone went silent. "she's right"! muttered Emily under her breath, I hate that.
" Well we"ll just have to do without them" bring your bag with you". I think" said Cecelia. " I think I will stay behind. "OK" said Mr Woody. " anyone else?
It took about 10 minutes to get everyone organised but in the end a group of about 5 stayed behind. So we set off on our journey up Kakepuku.
" so where do we go"? shouted Ashleigh, desperate to go up. "yeh, theres no signs". " thats strange" said MrWoody. "Theres usually always signs to guide your way". " Well lets just go to that house accross the road I saw last time I came". We walked towards it but strangely, it wasn't there. Then Pandomonia started breaking out around the base of kakepuku, and on the fields where the house had vanished. Some people were running round in circles shouting " no house , no sign no barbecues" etc etc. Others were shouting " No cars, no parents no nothing. I myself sat down and thought what was going on this strange day. But before I could think any longer Mr Woody had managed to calm everyone down. "It's alright" he said. " while you loonies were running around I figured out which way we'll go up kakepuku. There is a short dirt track going up just there". He pointed one of his stubby, dirty fingers at a tiny nailed in track, barely wide enough for us to walk through in a single file line. We agreed that it was the best thing to do. We said our goodbyes to our fellow classmates and set off up the narrow path. our journey all begun at the base of the tall mountain hovering over us. some people had a sparkle of fear in their eyes but soon settled down when we started walking.
On the way up we saw beautiful totara trees, manukas and Kowhai trees embedded in the soft, brown soil. But the strange thing was- there were none of those adorable jersey cows that I saw last time I came here. nor were there even any fences that closed the cows into that small space.
But we ignored it and carried on our journey.
We heard bird noises that we had never heard before and identified them as Kakapo birds. But none of us were sure. Sure what had happened to us before, what was happening to us now, and what mysterious adventures we were yet to experience on our journey up kakepuku...........


Snowy said...

Wow cool story!!!

Kitty Milo said...

yours is cool to

Helvetian said...

What a good story Kitty Milo! Amazing! I could never write as well as you!

Can I send you photos of Kakapuku? And if so where would I send them to?

From uncle Nitram AKA Helvetian

Kitty Milo said...

thankyou helvetian. :-)
you could send them to my mums email address, then I could save them onto our computer and add them onto my blog.
bye uncle nitram:-)

MrWoody said...

great work kittymilo - i like it when i bellow! :-)

rosiegal said...

Awesome story Kitty Milo! I really like how you start off being on the bus!